
Introduction | How it works

Remote Mediation

In these times we continue to offer mediation sessions remotely which allows all participants to engage in mediation for both individual and joint sessions. These are done via Zoom and participants can be advised how to use this via our team should they require any assistance.

What is Family Mediation?

An independent, professionally trained mediator helps you and your former partner work out an agreement.

What are the advantages of mediation?

  • You remain in  control.  You and your former partner decide on which agreements meet your needs, and your children’s needs, rather than having these imposed on you by a court or driven by solicitors.

  • Agreements can be reached more quickly. You can decide the pace and direction of the discussions.

  • It is much less expensive and less stressful than going to court.

  • It can improve your communication with your ex-partner, which can help in parenting your children following a separation.

Next: How it works >


Telephone: 020 3405 2300